Sunday, March 29, 2009


harry potter
friends who do favors, never asking anything in return
shopping days with mom
special-shaped holiday reese's peanut butter cups
big comfy sweatshirts
veggie chicken
reading cards in target for an hour

Sunday, March 22, 2009


my dvd collection
sleeping in with my sweetheart
baby names
holiday decorations
learning to cook

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


libbey glasses
the view of mt. rainier on a cloudless day
my grandpas' jokes
laughing with cito
the original willy wonka

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


a little bit of chicken fried
cold beer on a friday night
a pair of jeans that fit just right
the radio up

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

six (point five)

this hot hot hottie deserves his own post as one of my favorite things...
tony bennett.
no, not old tony bennett. young and beautiful wsu basketball coach tony bennett.

okay, and kyle weaver, too :) who, by the way, i once did laundry with and he said hi to me because we lived in the same apartment building. one of my most shining moments ;)


the smell of vinegar
ponytails that last all day
songs about baseball
snail mail
zucchini bread
the comfort of home after a long day
key changes
pee wee's playhouse
sherbet punch
prompt rsvp's
white boards & white board markers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


text message marathons with ash
shopping by myself
an unexpected compliment
vacuum lines on the carpet
beach hair
girl scout cookies
citrus smelling candles
feeling six again

Sunday, March 1, 2009


sleeping with just a sheet in the summer
no-makeup weekends
fischer price little people
the soup
perfectly-shaped eyebrows
pink toenails